The Expedition School Home

Expedition to Excellence

Welcome to TES

The Expedition School (TES) is a free, public charter school located in Hillsborough (Orange County), NC. It is an acclaimed project-based learning school with a focus on integrated STEM instruction in grades K-8. TES offers small class sizes, a modified year-round schedule, & implements Responsive Classroom principles and practices schoolwide. Learn more about our mission and educational philosophy here.

Upcoming Events

TESCA Meeting

Time: 7 PM – 8 PM
Location: The Expedition School, 437 Dimmocks Mill Rd, Hillsborough, NC 27278, USA

TESCA Meeting

Time: 7 PM – 8 PM
Location: The Expedition School, 437 Dimmocks Mill Rd, Hillsborough, NC 27278, USA

Explorers' News & Announcements

TES 2025-26 Lottery Results

The TES lottery draw has been completed.
Results of families drawn can be found in the blue button linked below.
Students will be placed into seats or waitlist numbers and families will receive notification within 24-48 hours.
Wait List letters are being sent slowly, you will not receive letters for all of your students in the same email. Please be patient as we work through getting these sent out to all families in all grades.
Say Something Anonymous Tip Line Featured Photo

Say Something Anonymous Tip Line

The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System allows you to submit secure, anonymous safety concerns to help someone who may hurt themselves or others.